COVID IS NO LONGER A MAJOR DISEASE; Gain-Of-Lethality Experiments; Vexations; More! -- Coronavirus Update LXXI & Heading To Infinity!
You'll have heard of these by now. These studies, funded by such luminaries as the Fabulous "Masks Forever" Fauci, monkey with viruses to make them more lethal, ostensibly to study how to combat the new lethal forms.
But---does this need to be said?---we don't have to "battle" these new more lethal forms because they don't exist. Until some "scientist" creates them. As it looks very like they did in Wuhan, with American dollars. Dollars provide by, among others, Fauci. Ah.
Supposing it is true that the bug was engineered and escaped, and given what just happened this past year and a half, many heads will have to roll. This may explain the reluctance to discuss the subject. Best keep quiet.
Anticipating your objection, it is scientists that make these enhanced bugs, not nature. Meaning there is no proof that nature herself in the wild would have come upon these more lethal variants designed by scientists. Indeed, there is good evidence, at least with the case of coronadoom, nature would never have hit upon what might be this variant.
You'll have to wade through Nicholas Wade's discussion of the "furin cleavage site" and other tidbits to see why. He makes a good case for lab-made, but it's not yet conclusive.
Incidentally, is it only me that finds the use of the word function queer in "gain-of-function"? Wouldn't lethality be better?
One reason for these "studies" is to gain papers. They generate "research", and academics must needs publish. Wade discusses this, too.
Well, since the variants are not likely natural, but are more lethal by design, what might another reason to do these studies be?
The only answer is war: to kill purposely.
"But Briggs, biological warfare is illegal!"
So is murder.
It was, once, serious. It is no longer. It may, like flu (in days of yore) swell in the winter, and decline again next spring. Panic is a choice, not a rational action.
In any case, it is not now serious. The crisis is long over.
Here are the CDC's major causes of weekly deaths:
Now the CDC rushes COVID death counts out the door, but lags (as in the plots below, circled in red) by as many as 8 weeks behind in counting other causes of death. (Does the increase in "Unclassified" coincide with vaccination rates? Don't ask questions like that.)
Which means COVID is even less serious than it appears here. And it does not appear here serious, especially considering the undercounts of the other maladies.
"You don't understand, Briggs. They way people catch COVID is different than like cancer."
So the cancer deaths don't count because people catch it differently?
"You just don't want to show your vaccine papers."
Cancer, heart disease, and other deaths won't be decreasing like COVID.
So the CDC is backing off on masks for the "fully vaccinated." They don't understand that the unmasked don't care whether or not they become infected, and that it's not the CDC's business to dictate morality.
Incidentally, have you noticed the same people that support death-by-doctor (euthanasia) are those who scream loudest about masks? Even when they are themselves vaccinated.
There is a huge dilemma for those in the Cult of the Mask, a dilemma which proves it was mainly about performance.
After the announcement, we saw many vaccinated people say they don't want to take off their masks and be mistook for a "Republican". Others can't let go of the fear, but most can't let go of the idea the masks makes them into a good person, and that this goodness can be seen by others.
Yet the vaccinated cult members don't want people to think they're not vaccinated, a status which they view with honor.
Pathetic dilemma, no? Which is why they want to force everybody to still wear masks, to relieve their psychic tension. (See below for evidence masks don't work; and don't recall the burden is on maskers to prove they do work, a burden they have not fulfilled.)
Many large corporations (excepting local regulations) say they'll stop requiring masks for "fully vaccinated" patrons. They won't require proof of vaccination, either. For now, anyway.
Then came concern from the fanatics, all of whom are vaccinated, about that lack of proof. So there is a renewed push for vaccine passports. (Here's a link to Starbucks' employees freaking out.)
Understand, the fanatics don't need to care whether anybody else is vaccinated, assuming the vaccines work. They just don't want you making decisions for yourself.
If you, dear reader, allow vaccine passports, the slippery slope will immediately be invoked. You will regret it---deeply, and for the rest of your life.
There are videos passing around purportedly showing how magnets stick to vaccination sites (upper arms).
This is an old trick magicians use, and it's very easy to fool even yourself. Take a look at this sweaty guy: is there anything that wouldn't stick to him?
Magnet supporters make vaccine skeptics look like cranks.
Again I tell you, if the cost-benefit of any vaccine comes down on the side of vaccines, then this kind of jackassery harms people by rationally discouraging them from seeking vaccines.
I mean, after all, who wouldn't trust a vaccine that is just-this-side-of forcibly given to you?
Every authority uses threats to induce you to vaccinate. Not one ruler has come and said "These new vaccines represent an amazing breakthrough. Yes, there are risks, which include death, as there are for all vaccines, and there are even potential long-term side effects nobody knows about. Each person much weigh these risks, including religious objects, against the benefits. I hope you decide on the benefits."
Instead, it's "Do as you're told. Side effects are conspiracy theories."
Our rulers do not love or trust us. So we, sanely, do not love or trust them.
Website of similar name: price of panic.
Sources: CDC State data (source), CDC official toll number one, number two (the old weekly file, now suspect). Causes of death (source). Deaths by age. Covid & flu. WHO flu tracker. All current as of Monday night.
Daily tests (in very light color; the blue line is 7-day running mean, which should be ignored, since it's a model and not the data) from Johns Hopkins.
Recall, as the panic ends, there will be fewer tests. Only mostly the sick will get tested, and so test positivities will rise (and they are: not shown). Do not re-panic over this obvious consequence. Plus, ignore the blue line. It's a model, not the data. Tests went down again this week. Not enough yet.
Remember how Experts told us---promised us---of the coming Texas & Florida apocalypse when they ended their mask mandates?
Top row: northern states with mask mandates (though now they are ending). Bottom row: southern states without mask mandates (MS had, didn't, had, didn't). Mask mandates do nothing. Weather does much (well, weather drives much behavior).
Show mask fanatics this graph. See if they see it. They will not. Religious belief in the cult of the mask is a powerful filter.
CDC weekly ALL CAUSE death counts, or the Perspective Plot, from late 2009 until now. The late drop off is late counting: it takes up to eight weeks to get all data. We need to look at all cause deaths because we can't quite trust the attributed COVID numbers.
The black line is deaths of any kind. The red is COVID. The blue line is flu+pneumonia (it's the pneumonia that kills most flu patients). The blue is estimated starting mid year 2020 because CDC stopped separate reporting on flu. The suspicion is some flu and pneumonia deaths are being attributed to COVID.
Here is the CDC deaths "involving" COVID.
I ask every time (forgive me): Still panicking? Why? For what reason? Anybody have answers? Anybody? Hello? Hello? Hello? Are you waiting for zero COVID deaths? Brother, that's never going to happen.
Here is another way to look at all deaths, the week-of-the-year all-cause deaths.
Green line is 2021, red is 2020. The dotted line are all cause deaths minus COVID. That means the 2020 deaths that look out of place (above the mass of other lines but below the dotted line) are likely deaths caused by the panic.
Again, been saying this for weeks, but even accounting for late counting, 2021 deaths are BELOW where'd we expect them. Yes, people really do die of things other than COVID.
Yes, really.
Flu is still missing. Though this is the time of year, in the northern hemisphere, where we expect to be low (but not zero). Here is the WHO's global flu tracker:
Flu is still gone the whole world over. For almost a full year now. Yes. A year without flu. Astonishing.
They will say the lockdowns caused flu, but not COVID, to disappear. No, sir. This argument forgets the many places that never locked down or had mask mandates, and which also had no flu. Like Japan, Florida etc.
About masks in more depth, see this article and this one and especially this one. Leave the Cult of the Mask.
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