Vexxine Harms , Deaths & Passports; Mask Madness; More! -- Coronavirus Update LXX & Heading To Infinity!
I remind readers that we skeptics have no burden whatsoever to prove that mask mandates and lockdowns don't work, or even that experimental vaccines don't cause harm. We have prima facie evidence that, indeed, masks and lockdowns are useless and that these rushed-to-production vaccines do cause more harm than usual.
Where is the definitive proof, and refutations of the evidence we possess, for masks and lockdowns? It does not exist.
There is a paper going around from Experts at MIT saying, in the same way journalist say it, that only certified opinion should count in the mask debate. Hello, Appeal to Authority! (It's way funnier than that. It amounts to them saying, "Random dudes on the internet know more than we do: how do we stop them?"
There is also Nicholas Wade's work providing solid, but not definitive, evidence the coronadoom was indeed lab engineered, for use in so-called gain-of-function experiments.
This update is already too long to get both of those things, which we'll do another day.
Nothing says "effective, safe vaccine" more than celebrities, elites, Experts, rulers, officials, quacks, and nitwit reporters screaming at you, telling you how stupid you are, swearing at you, giving you the finger, or even offering you free beer and credit at school, with the rest cajoling, wheedling, castigating, and, finally, forbidding you freedom if you refuse to comply.
As some foaming-at-the-mouth media hack shrieks "TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!", you think to yourself, "Boy, that must be one miracle drug."
Is it any wonder people become anti-vaxxers? That the least of us (arrogant Experts etc.) treat people like something that needs scraping off their shoes makes it rational to distrust what they're selling.
It's worse than that. Obviously, if the costs outweigh the benefits of the vaccines, then these Experts have blood on their hands when they manage to coerce somebody into taking a vaccine they shouldn't have taken. But also, suppose the benefits of these experimental vaccines really do outweigh their costs. Then because the boorish and ludicrous behavior of Experts cause people to forgo the vaccine, then the Experts are responsible for killing people. Either way, Experts acting like jackasses causes harm.
All vaccines cause harm. They are designed to. They force your body to react as if it was being attacked, which it is, by the vaccine, so that your body might better fend off stronger attacks. Again I say, causing harm is what vaccines are designed to do on the age-old theory no pain, no gain.
Many, and perhaps even all (numbers, as we'll see, are hard to come by), vaccines cause so much harm that some die from the vaccine. Not just the coronadoom vaccines, but all of them.
So there's a risk of either death or great, measurable harm to all vaccines. There's also a risk of death or great, measurable harm from the diseases the vaccine are for. People, not Experts, have to choose between these risks.
This used to be known by all medical professionals. But that was before the coronadoom. Now we must all pretend we have forgotten the old wisdom. Now we must all say vaccines cause no harm. Ever. If you suggest vaccines might cause harm, you will be banned, shunned, treated as if you were a conspiracy theorist, fool, or evil idiot.
In the olden golden days of yore (2019), we were allowed to ask, "Is the risk and cost of the vaccine greater than the risk and cost of the disease?" Now only criminals put such questions.
Those in charge of us, and the great army of self-appointed superiors, are terrible people.
What about deaths from the various coronadoom vaccines? Here is an excellent summary.
Which vaccines are causing the most harm? AstraZenca? They've had theirs pulled for blood clots and other nastiness is many countries (killed a Vietnamese woman by shock, for example). Johnson & Johnson? Same thing. Pfizer? Et cetera. But some scientists and Experts say the symptoms after vaccine are anxiety. Blood clots and death can make one anxious, it's true.
What do the numbers say? "Ha!", that's what. There are no great numbers. That VAERS database is lacking. It's not nearly as good as it needs to be. It's only for immediate side effects, and it's voluntary (to some extent), and therefore incomplete. It's not even conclusive. Are the deaths registered shortly after vexxicines coincidental? Maybe some are. Who knows?
On the other hand, there has indeed been a surge of reports to VAERS, which suggests something strange is happening. Could be because the vaccines are nasty, could be panic. What makes us think there's some truth to the nastiness is that Experts have launched a campaign to denigrate VAERS, essentially holding a sign in front of the burgeoning database which reads "Nothing To See Here."
The vaccines make your body produce (in some quantum mechanical way, apparently) antibodies. If you then fall ill, for whatever reason, you will receive a coroandoom test as protocol. If your illness has nothing to do with the coronadoom, you could still test positive for it. The PCR test might throw a false positive, though the chance isn't high. But a RAPID test might say, "Lo! Here are antibodies!" and you'll test positive for sure.
Then you die. What is put on your death certificate?
This could explain why attributed coronadoom deaths rise in countries in concert with vaccinations (Thailand, and Israel, Seychelles for example).
The CDC shows weekly attributed coronadoom deaths. But that data does not show vaccination status and attributed deaths, not per person in any consistent way. We don't know which vaccine a person took, how many shots, or whether they had none. We can't tie the number of attributed doom deaths and vaccine rates.
Now it should be simple to learn and report these things. It is crucial at least to discover the real-life efficacy of the vaccines. But our betters haven't been bothered to do this reporting. Why?
We have also all heard the COVID-vaccinated can "shed" spike proteins. This, as with everything else, has been dismissed as yet another "conspiracy theory".
Well, the vaccines make your body make spike proteins. So it isn't any wonder some might be "shed" in one way or another. The proteins themselves are not the virus, so they can't infect anybody, and if the "shed" proteins do manage to make inside another person's body, they might be able to cause some harm, but limited and one-time only.
What makes it interesting is how rapidly our Experts and rulers rush to deny (lie) about it. Again, our Experts' falsities and vehemence makes it appear to skeptics that they might have a good point.
Idiocy abounds.
The cowards and corrupt who insist on vaccine passports, by whatever name issued by whatever agency, you must also recall initially called vaccine passports a "conspiracy theory". Perhaps instead of a positive passport, the unvaccinated, who will soon be in the minority, will be made to self-identify by some outward show. Maybe a badge. That way everybody can see them coming.
Those who support them will be sorry. The slippery slope will kick in. Once you are forced to carry government identification announcing your purity, the standards for purity will only increase. At first, for "boosters" ("Please ensure to update your vaccine passport yearly, citizen."). Then for...?
If you'd like to bet cash money against me on this prediction, do let me know.
Proving the panic was driven by cowardice, "The rise of Covid anxiety syndrome".
"I thought I’d spring back and return to being keen to go to restaurants and shopping,” says the mother-of-two from Oxfordshire [who is fully vexxinated]. “But I’ve really not wanted to at all. I’m still ordering everything online. It’s not like me, it’s strange: I’m normally a sociable person and like going to festivals but it feels like too much risk at the moment.”
Watson’s response to the easing of lockdown is not all that uncommon, say psychologists...
While many of us are enjoying the chance to socialise and travel normally, some are clinging fearfully to the safety behaviours enforced upon us during the pandemic. What was once a rational response to danger has become a “maladaptive” response as the danger recedes.
Psychologists are Experts. Who but an Expert does not know that panic is always maladaptive?
For Watson, who studied immunology, it’s the uncertainty surrounding the virus that troubles her. “I’m a massive advocate of vaccines, but Covid has been so unpredictable, it hasn’t behaved like we’d expect a virus of this kind,” she says
Good grief. Studied immunology, eh. But stopped her studies short of the Asian Flu and Hong Kong Flu pandemics, which killed more people, and with no panics?
You know it's getting bad when even progressive outlets fret: "The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown: Progressive communities have been home to some of the fiercest battles over COVID-19 policies, and some liberal policy makers have left scientific evidence behind."
Lurking among the jubilant americans venturing back out to bars and planning their summer-wedding travel is a different group: liberals who aren’t quite ready to let go of pandemic restrictions. For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity—even when that means overestimating the disease’s risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit. In surveys, Democrats express more worry about the pandemic than Republicans do. People who describe themselves as “very liberal” are distinctly anxious.
The conservatives are filling their appointed roles of Chief Surrenders nicely:
The conservative case for concentration camps. Also the progressive case:
My favorite story is the three U Mass Amherst girls suspected for not wearing masks off campus. Yes, some fellow student ratted them out by sending a picture to the UMA's jailers, who duly kicked the young ladies out.
Which is the best thing that could have happened to them. Get out now, girls! Go out and get a good man, marry him, make babies, and have the best revenge on these nincompoops.
From reader Cate comes this link: "Health Experts Admit Outdoor Mask Wearing Is Ridiculous". But what does evidence matter?
From a reader: "The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) put out a statement on April 30, 2021, which threatened punitive action against physicians who convey skepticism towards lockdowns, masks, distancing, and vaccines. In response, a group of concerned physicians...has signed a declaration against the CPSO's statement".
Here is a link to the declaration.
As with vexxines, nothing says The Science like forbidding people to question the official line.
We did the new panic in India last week. But reader Ted Lofstrom reminds us of this graph:
Website of similar name: price of panic.
Sources: CDC State data (source), CDC official toll number one, number two (the old weekly file, now suspect). Causes of death (source). Deaths by age. Covid & flu. WHO flu tracker. All current as of Monday night.
Daily tests (in very light brown) and positivity (blue) from Johns Hopkins.
Recall, as the panic ends, there will be fewer tests. Only mostly the sick will get tested, and so test positivities will rise. Do not re-panic over this obvious consequence. Plus, ignore the blue line. It's a model, not the data. Tests went down a teeny tiny bit again. Not enough. The panic is still among us.
Remember how Experts told us---promised us---of the coming Texas & Florida apocalypse when they ended their mask mandates? SAVE US, O GREAT MASK GOD!
Top row: northern states with mask mandates. Bottom row: southern states without mask mandates. Mask mandates do nothing. Weather does much (well, weather drives much behavior).
Show mask fanatics this graph. See if they see it. They will not. Religious belief in the cult of the mask is a powerful filter.
CDC weekly ALL CAUSE death counts, or the Perspective Plot, from late 2009 until now. The late drop off is late counting: it takes up to eight weeks to get all data. We need to look at all cause deaths because we can't quite trust the attributed COVID numbers.
The black line is deaths of any kind. The red is COVID. The blue line is flu+pneumonia (it's the pneumonia that kills most flu patients). The blue is estimated starting mid year 2020 because CDC stopped separate reporting on flu. The suspicion is some flu and pneumonia deaths are being attributed to COVID.
Deaths from all causes are down from what we'd expect this time of year. Perhaps the most vulnerable died a little early last year. (This sentence will shock those who think death is impossible for themselves, even under government or expert protection.)
Here is the CDC deaths "involving" COVID.
I ask every time (forgive me): Still panicking? Why? For what reason? Anybody have answers? Anybody? Hello? Hello?
Here is another way to look at all deaths, the week-of-the-year all-cause deaths. This is BIG because it's so small.
Green line is 2021, red is 2020. The dotted line are all cause deaths minus COVID. That means the 2020 deaths that look out of place (above the mass of other lines but below the dotted line) are deaths caused by the panic.
By late 2020 we had got used to the panic, and many who would have died this time of year had already died, and so most of the excess deaths were doom deaths. And we're now past all reason for panic. Except people find it difficult to let go.
More proof is had in this, the weekly counts of various causes of death.
Note the different y-axis scales. Drop offs at ends due to reporting delays. Notice next the spikes around April 2020 of everything from Alzheimers to septicemia. These are panic-caused, likely iatrogenic deaths. E.g. NY and nursing homes. That's what freaking out does. Panic kills. The January spikes in all deaths is quite normal, as we know.
One thing that stands out as deeply suspicious is the smoothness of the COVID only deaths. Whereas everything else is rough and bouncy. Also quite odd are the Unclassified, whose official name is "Symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified". Notice these are increasing as total deaths are dropping, even below expected numbers.
Flu is still missing. Though this is the time of year, in the northern hemisphere, where we expect to be low (but not zero). Here is the WHO's global flu tracker:
Flu is still gone the whole world over. For almost a full year now. Yes. A year without flu. Astonishing.
You can see Swine Flu, which started at an odd time, and which caused a minor panic. And you can see where flu vanished into ... where exactly? Hello? Hello The Science believers? Where?
They will say the lockdowns caused flu, but not COVID, to disappear. No, sir. This argument forgets the many places that never locked down or had mask mandates, and which also had no flu. Like Japan etc.
Here is the CDC official population mortality rates for the all causes other than COVID, and "involving" COVID (with and of; "involving" is CDC's word).
Explain to me, referencing this data, why kids need to be vexxed?
Age COVID OtherCause
1 Under 1 year 0.0000180 0.00640
2 1–4 years 0.0000022 0.00027
3 5–14 years 0.0000024 0.00017
4 15–24 years 0.0000200 0.00100
5 25–34 years 0.0000830 0.00200
6 35–44 years 0.0002400 0.00300
7 45–54 years 0.0006700 0.00540
8 55–64 years 0.0016000 0.01200
9 65–74 years 0.0039000 0.02400
10 75–84 years 0.0097000 0.05800
11 85 years and over 0.0260000 0.17000
A reminder that these are from totals, and so represent the closest thing to lifetime population fatality rates. Anyway, the risk is so small for the young there is no reason to panic. None.
About masks in more depth, see this article and this one and especially this one. Leave the Cult of the Mask.
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