Vaccines Mandates & Passports Only Exist To Punish & Coerce -- Coronavirus Update CI
Here's the original in case Twitter whacks this, in their usual spirit of censoring unwanted truths.
The key in Pfizer Leaks: "We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There".
My favorite part, and surely yours, too, is how they had to blacken the windows of the meeting room when the FDA was in town. And conceal the manufacturing process. That's how Science is done these days.
The woke went into full sputter mode when the video was leaked. The most damning arguments, they thought, were two.
One, that the brief video was "poorly edited". Yet the full video was not poorly edited. "Poorly edited" is anyway a gay non-rebuttal.
Two, that babies ripped from mother's wombs were only used in testing, and not production. Therefore the deaths of the babies shouldn't count. That is an asinine counter.
There is thus more than scope enough for a religious objection to vaccine mandates. And we also have this sweet headline from last week: "6th Circuit rules for student athletes denied religious exemption from vaccine mandate".
Sixteen student athletes at Western Michigan University who were denied a religious exemption from a vaccine mandate will likely succeed in their lawsuit, a federal appeals court has ruled.
The Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the university violated the students’ right to the free exercise of religion when it failed to fairly explain why it denied the exemptions. The Associated Press has coverage and the Volokh Conspiracy has highlights from the Oct. 7 per curiam opinion.
Scotus can't really be trusted: Roberts alone is thoroughly cucked. So don't celebrate too much just yet.
The useless mask slipping below a nose does nothing, at all, to imperil anybody's health. After all, on that same plane will be people eating and drinking, times when they will not be wearing any mask.
Ah, but those are authorized times, like when prisoners are allowed to walk around the yard for their daily hour.
The petty tyrants, like that flight "attendant", love their newfound powers to hurt and make miserable their fellow's man existence. They enjoy the freedom to embrace the evil part of their nature, and to dole out blows---without any fear for themselves of paying the price for their sin.
The evil, being evil, will not release these powers easily. They will grip them tight.
Do not blame them entirely. It was your fear, a fear you indulged in luxuriously, that allowed these petty tyrants their powers.
There is no reason for vaccine passports to exist except as cruel punishment and tortuous coercion.
To prove this, examine this quote from a Blue Chekist on Twitter, one of sea of similar sentiments: "Torture works. People shouldn't be able to enter a public building, have a job, or fly in a plane without the jab."
This female is right. Torture does in fact work. Not everybody would break under the emotional and physical torment of being isolated from all others, from slow starvation from lack of a job. But most would.
The female insists the torture is necessary for the good of the victim's health. That is, she says this, but doesn't believe it. Instead she desires her enemies bend to her will, and she is willing to use torture to accomplish this.
Cruel and heartless. No compassion exists in her soul. She will punish her enemies and show no mercy. She would take your job, isolate you, and forbid you to make a living. Make a living. She would make you die, taking away your life bit by bit---if you do not do what she wants. And she would laugh.
This is the true essence of the "soft" effeminate toxic femininity authoritarianism that rules us.
She said "Vaccine mandates" and not "torture". But we now see it is equivalent.
The vaccine passport is useless, except as coercion and torture. We've done this argument before, but we have to review it again.
That they don't include natural acquired immunity to count on the passport, an immunity superior in every way to any vaccine for any disease, is proof positive this is about torture, the desire to inflict pain.
Unless our rulers are genuinely ignorant and incompetent and do not understand about natural acquired immunity. In which case, we are ruled by idiots, who give themselves the title of Experts. I fear this is often the case.
If the vaccine works, to the extent it works, the person taking it will be protected, to the extent they are protected. It doesn't matter who infects them, either their own body naturally or the vaccine artificially will save them from death, or neither will. Nothing can change that. No law, no torture, no nothing.
It does not matter who infects the vaccinated, a vaccinated person or an unvaxxinated one. The result will be the same for the infected.
If the vaccines works, to the extent it works, a person not taking it must rely on their own natural protection alone. All the unvaccinated know this. It does not matter who infects them, or where they are infected. The result will be whatever it is, according to their own bodies and whatever supplementary medicines they take (like aspirin).
The unvaccinated know this: they know the risk they are taking. And they believe the risk of taking the vaccine is higher. They have much evidence to support this belief, especially if they are young and otherwise healthy.
The vaccinated are thus in no additional danger from the unvaccinated, and the unvaccinated are in no additional danger from the vaccinated.
The vaccine passport, then, only exists to coerce. Experts have decided you must be healthy, according to their flawed definition of healthy. I have told this joke innumerable times, but it fits:
A sweater is an article of clothing a child puts on when the mother gets cold;
A mandated vaccine is a drug a citizen takes when effeminate rulers grow frightened---or cruel.
We have had flu vaccines for over half a century. Up until last year, people still died of flu. Vaccines at best cut into the death rate, but did not end it.
We have already seen the mRNA vaccines are about as efficient as flu vaccines in preventing death. And that they cause more and worse side effects than flu vaccine.
The coroandoom vaccines, even if forced upon every living soul, will therefore not cause coronadoom to vanish. It will never go away.
The vaccine passports will not cause the bug to disappear.
Even if you are still terrified of death, and choose to live your life in fear of occult germs which swarm about you, then you must still agree that the best argument against vaccine passports is that they will grow and be abused.
If they can do it for coronadoom, they can do it for flu. If they can do it for coronadoom and flu, they can do it for "racism" and global warming, which our Experts have already called health "crises".
Once they get away making you carry a piece of paper everywhere you go, for all time, for the rest of your life, with no exceptions, they can make you do anything.
If you cannot see this by this late date, you must join the Blue Chekists and take whatever pleasure you can in torturing your fellow man, before your brutish life comes to an ignominious end. Even then you will live your life in fear, not of a bug, but of the other Blue Chekists, who have already proven their black natures, and will be willing to do anything they can to rise over you.
If you can't see any of that, see this about vaccine efficacy:
Deaths are up there, too. Which is only interesting to us because we track it, use it to terrorize and mesmerize ourselves. Why? We don't track other, vastly more numerous deaths?
Tyrant Trudeau dictated that those who attempt to leave Canada will be shot.
Excuse me. Get the shot.
His orders were widely cheered by the overly frightened who comprise the majority of Canadians.
Notice Experts, those most intelligent of all beings, never say what will happen after a positive test?
You have to click to see.
We've seen a lot of Scandinavian countries stop the mRNA vexxines. We'll cover that later.
Meanwhile, what happened to Valneva and Novavax? The old school vaccines. DM says those who took Valenva were still forced to take the expensive mRNA shots because Valneva was "unofficial". Same exact duplicate thing with Novavax.
More proof this is not about your health.
From Ann Cherry comes these two curious graphs:

Sources: CDC State data (source), CDC official toll number one, number two (the old weekly file, now suspect). Causes of death (source). Deaths by age. Covid & flu. WHO flu tracker. All current as of Monday.
This is fun. Shows both seasonality and futility. Imagine thinking you're going to get to "zero covid".
And, yes, "cases" are still the wrong metric.
Daily tests (from here Johns Hopkins) are still at idiot levels. 3.5 million EVERY DAMNED DAY.
Guess what. Monday was another holiday. The Experts took the day off. So the only fresh numbers I have for you are these.
"Cases". Recall cases are a function of testing level, testing sensitivity, and disease characteristics, and we're testing now more than ever.

On the way down, more or less. But on the way up in the late fall. I've warned us many times to be ready for it.

This is, in spite of what propagandists lie, still an aged person's disease.

And sick people. Here's a new one for us, a map of chronic conditions prevalence by county. Percent at least one, all known risk factors for coronadoom.

Diseases tracked: "chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, diagnosed diabetes, and obesity."
Looks like most "elite" enclaves are much healthier---as is known. They are also the most frightened, which is hilarious. Lot of pink counties in deep red areas are university towns. Rural people, despised by elites, eat badly and are generally poorer. This makes elites despise them more.
Let loose your theories on this one, readers.
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