Many off this week, out on their last grand chance to cling to summer. As is proper. So you might have missed a few juicy coroandoom items.
Incidentally, we'll tackle "excess deaths" next week. Not so easy, that.
One thing is very clear: We get a great big WE TOLD YOU SO. Not that it will make the least difference.
A few tweets first, all of which are self-explanatory.

I was chatting with a Chinaman---a perfectly harmless, perfectly descriptive word, like Englishman or Latino, that somebody told me is now a slur; Why, I asked; I don't know, I was told; Which part offends, China or man, I asked; I don't know, I was told; So I'm using it, I said; You always were an idiot, Briggs, I was told---and he was asking what else beside masks could account for China's remarkable success with the doom. Lying, I said.
Here's the official body count, from a country with 1.4 billion souls:
Long-time readers will recall I was cautious, even too cautious, in ascribing lying to explain the numbers coming from China early in the panic. Everything was happening too fast, I thought, for lies to be well coordinated. And, do not forget, nobody knew with certainty what the panic would become.
Well, I was wrong. China was lying from the beginning. Perhaps not about everything, but certainly most things.
The total number of ascribed doom deaths in all of China is, as of this date, 5,226. With a hair under 1 million "cases".
Even supposing, as we heard early in the panic from the CDC, that only about 6% of all doom deaths had doom as the sole cause of death, the 5,226 number is absurd. Not even in the realm of believeability. It's easier to believe a Chinaman can get pregnant.
Nor can we credit the paltry million "cases". Especially given the panic is still on in China. People in certain areas have to be tested daily and must carry tracking devices (like you do, dear reader) on which their testing status is displayed. There is no chance, based on what we know, China is telling the truth.
The doom death rate in China is, by Google's figures, 3.7 per million. Our World In Data has 3.0. Want to know a country that has a lower number?
North Korea. Point oh two (0.2). They say.
No. China is lying.
Maybe so, admitted my chatmate. But, he said, he had worn a mask the entire time and has not yet died. Quod erat demonstrandum.
I don't want to dismiss that argument too quickly, because it is convincing to many. We can try countering it with a lot of blah-blah-blah about evidence, statistics, and modeling, as you and I have been doing these last two and half years. Even if we nail that part, and we did, it wouldn't be understood by most, and wasn't. It's much, much easier for most to believe the Expert who says "Do as I say." And so they do.
It turns out, in the USA, that you are a fascist if you do not wear a mask. Yes. And a Health Supremacist. Yes.
Who out there remembers our litany about models? Anybody? How about mask wearers? Any of you?
Here's our problem. The models stink. They have the aroma of a Portland Starbucks toilet after an Antifa rally. They smell like the inside of a furry costume after the Houston Pride parade. They...but enough. You have the idea.
Whatever the scent, the models were believed. And still are.
It's easy to see why Experts still believe. "Shut up," they explain. "We're in charge and you're not," they clarify.
We can't overcome that kind of logic. But what about ordinary civilians? They still believe, and I'd bet any you show that picture to would not swap belief and doubt. Trust in Experts and "the system" is still too strong.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
"The models stink. They have the aroma of a Portland Starbucks toilet after an Antifa rally."
LOL that made my day. Thank you!
I's good to laugh at the bastards.
Makes me feel good, for about 2 minutes.
Sarcasm and laughter are all we have left, we think.
Not so, as we'll soon find out when they take away that, too.
BTW: Love your Chinaman stuff. One should not describe a follower of Islam as a Mohammedan, because Muslims do not worship Mohammed, they worship Allah. Unless we're speaking Yiddish and being literal, it is also incorrect to call a Muslim a Muselmann.
But if a person from America (US) is to be called an American, then a person from China is a Chinaman, whether or not he's pulling a rickshaw or shouldering a bamboo carrying pole.
And Charlie Chan was a fictional Chinaman portrayed as a Hawaiian American detective with two adult sons, "Number One Son, Number Two Son and Number Three Son," and two adult daughters, "Number One Daughter and Number Two Daughter." He spoke English (a language developed by Caucasians) with a Chinaman's dialect.
Haha, we laughed b/c Charlie Chan was funny, not because it was racist.
It's not racism, it's humor.
"Oh, Ruby, what I gonna do now?" was also not racist. It was funny on radio and even funnier on television.
They still are funny, but we're not allowed to laugh. We're not even allowed to see Amos and Andy or Charlie Chan on TV because they speak with the dialects of their race. Kids can't read Huckleberry Finn in middle school w/o a trigger warning because Twain uses the N word. Uncle Tom's Cabin glorified Tom for his exemplary Christian virtues of courage, manliness and dignity, yet Tom is now demeaned as passive and unmanly, even as a coward, and the very book which motivated whites to fight the war which destroyed salvery is now scorned as a symbol of white oppression.
It's nothing but POC abuse of language.
POC bigotry to abuse whites.
Kill humor kill language, kill language kill thought, kill thought kill reality, kill reality control the people.
It's a move by the racist forces of greed to grab money and power; a racist power move of the racists, by the racists and for the racists.
Not even a white hillbilly from Appalachia would be fooled. Not Little Abner; no character from Hee Haw; not Jeb on Beverly Hillbillies; not a West Virginian like Grandpa Amos McCoy.
Maybe Pepino on The Real Mccoys. He was a gullible and naive Mexican (a person from Mexico,) so naive as to enter Southern California legally and then become a legal American.