Canada Becomes A Dictatorship; Elsewhere, Freedom Seeps In
Weekly All Cause Deaths for US & England
Link to original: all my tweets die tragically of covid after 7 days.
How much credit, he asked rhetorically, will our side receive for being right about everything?
Numbers are at the end of the news.
Last week, inspectors noticed certain instabilities and micro-fissures in the massive Regime Narrative Dam which has been, up to now anyway, holding back Reality.
There was some patching since then, here and there. As in Canada turning into a dictatorship.
Who saw the nicest people on earth opting for an actual real-life bona fide genuine honest-to-God dictatorship? The Conservatives offered an act to consider a plan to, someday, not today, end the unnecessary mandates. It was voted down. Because Science. There will be no end to the "crisis." Not in Canada.
The word is dictatorship. Not used in some hyperbolic ridiculous emotional propagandist NPR sense. It is the technical name for the form of government when one man rules by fiat.
The premiers of western provinces, and Quebec recalling the bad old days, said to Trudeau “Please don’t do this to us.” Arch glory holer Theresa Tam is for backing down and "re-examining" policies, repeating our line "it's clear now that Canada and the rest of the world will be grappling with COVID-19 for months or years to come."
Trudeau, son of Fidel, his ancestral blood calling out from his very depths, announced, "Bend over." He has---at last---become a man.
Canada will start with seizing the money, now all in computerized accounts so it's easy, from those who protest the government. Protesting the government is not what is done in a democracy. What's next? Will we see Mounties riding down the unvaccinated, forcibly injecting them?
Incidentally, the reason the Trudeau regime won't lift (unnecessary) restrictions is not because they truly believe restrictions should be continued. They loathe being told what to do by the unwashed. They cannot accept correction from non-Experts. It is hubris wedded to petulance.
The official government propaganda office say freedom, the word, "has become common among far-right groups, experts say." Experts! To their credit, they openly admit they are for the opposite of freedom.
In answer to one of my tweets, one person said, "I thought Trudeau would follow the lead of the USA, but I've noticed the smaller countries in population (Canada, Australia, NZ , Austria, Israel) are doubling down, and they're doing it because they can control everyone. Or, rather, the WEF/NWO can. Real violence is coming."
It wasn't only The Great White North. Macron launched tanks against protesters. England said this: "They’re not done with us yet- Next Covid strain could kill many more, warn scientists ahead of England restrictions ending". Please keep and cherish your fear, say Experts.
But those cracks. The pressure was not relieved. They cracks are still there. And widening.
It was revealed that that South African doc who tried to tell the world the Ominous Omicron wasn't as bad as propagandists wanted it to be was...wait for it...wait for it...censored and threatened. Rulers decided Fear was the better policy. Ah, fear, the eternal tool of the tyrant. Yet that they let this news leak now shows their grip weakens.
Even Macron's steely grimace weakened when he visited Putin. He refused a PCR test because, he said, he didn't want Moscow harvesting his DNA.
Then Reuters reported "European Medicines Agency (EMA) investigates reports of 'heavy menstrual bleeding and absence of menstruation after mRNA Covid shots"
Web MD admitted "Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Severe COVID". And even the CDC was forced to choke out, "Robust Covid-19 Booster Protection Wanes After Four Months".
Which reminds me, the bosses at Conspiracy Theories Confirmed Monthly announced they are hiring extra staff to keep up with the demand.
We heard from Bloomberg that, as we have told you since Day One, "Mask mandates didn’t make much of a difference anyway".
The regime signaled it's acquiescence with lifting mask mandates. Especially where celebrities gather. Except, still in many locales, for children. They haven't been broken and punished enough. Far too many kids still love their parents more than Big Scientist.
Some cracks became large enough to cause alarm. Moderna's boss canceled his Twitter account and cashed out his stock (to the tune of 400 million). Simultaneously, Pfizer suddenly dropped their request to authorize mRNA shots for kids under 5. One day later they dropped asking an entire country (India) for authorization.
They see the myocarditis on the wall, maybe?
Even the Blue Cheka began dunking on Experts. Such as those at SAGE, the group largely responsible for giving scientific credence to the panic.
The BC goes on to say "The usual Sage defence is that 'these are scenarios, not predictions'. But it graph below as containing 'the likely epidemic trajectory' for summer reopening."
A reminder that there is no difference, at all, between a scenario, prediction, model, simulation, forecast. They are all the same thing.
Inflation is at least 7%, it was announced. A direct cause of government coronadoom "solutions." About those solutions, this thread, a compilation of evidence of why it is right and proper to fear our rulers and Experts.

But enough. Let's do the numbers. First, the weekly all cause deaths.
That blue line is right where we expect it to be, given population increase. Even considering late counts, where the blue line will rise a bit, we are now at no worse than an average bad flu year.
Here's the proof of that, in two parts. First, the same picture, only this time as a time series.
You can see the periodicity easier this way, as well as the general increase in time due to both an increasing and aging population. The dotted black line are all deaths minus coronadoom.
The dashed green line is a simple linear periodic fit (sine + cosine). Fits pretty darn good, up until 2020. It still fits the dotted black line well, too. Even up at the end. Look at 2013, a bad flu season. The model is off by about 8,000 at the peak. Same for 2015, another bad flu year. And it's off by about 10,000 in 2018, a worse flu year.
Right now, it's off by about 8,000 again. Like another typical bad flu year. As promised.
There is no crisis. It doesn't exist anymore.
Here's another way to look at it. The same data but this time per 100,000 population.
This corrects for population increases. But the per-capita death rate is still increasing, almost certainly because of the changing age distribution of the population (we're older).
The doom and "solutions" hit hard, but now, again, we're in a period like a bad flu year. Do the same trick of comparing the model error of 2013, 2015 and 2018.
Let's contrast this with England. We have a longer time series of all cause deaths (ONS data; available when I downloaded it Monday only through the end of January).
Same periodicity is there, with the quirk (it's real) that deaths plummet, or are recorded as plummeting, right at Christmas. Nearly every year, too.
The 2020 doom signal was there, all right. But it disappeared after that. The next year, 2021, was no worse than a bad flu year. Now, it isn't even that bad. Well, they are finally dropping restrictions, but they could have a year ago.
Here's the same normalized by population:
See 1999 and 2000? See how they are LARGER than even 2020? Meaning worse. Yet England led the world in panic. Ain't you amazed, as Jack Aubrey would ask?
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The contempt our "elites" have for the white working class is something to behold. Now that the Catholic Church is aligning itself with whatever agenda the guys and gals of Davos dream up, hatred for white blue collar workers is the official Last Acceptable Prejudice.
Macron's PCR test refusal is interesting. Today, Scholz did the same.