I changed the title, slightly, from Briggs, You Fool! You’ll see why. Anon writes:
You’ve missed the entire point about the ufo story. You can deny the existence of alien visitations since you’ve never seen one, just as you can deny the existence of electrons, since you’ve never seen one. I get it.
The point is that there is a shadow government, totally extra-constitutional, under no constitutional executive or congressional control or oversight, is running the show. These “tic-tacs” and other similar types of vehicles now shown to the public by the military are not alien but are built by Lockheed Skunkworks and other contractors and have been around since the 1960s. These vehicles use a revolutionary source of energy and propulsion well beyond anything known by the public, “scientists”, or any elected official.
It matters not if you believe this technology was reversed engineered from alien spacecraft or developed by smart humans in the 1950s. It exists just as shown on military gun cameras and radar data.
Our elected government is a show and a sham. They do not call the shots and do not run anything that matters. They don’t know about this technology, and until recently did not know about the ‘deep black’ programs that developed them.
You are right about one thing. Tucker has been duped by a psyop claiming these tic-tacs are aliens. They certainly are not. They are human made machines that use technologies that would put oil, gas, utilities, solar, wind, and all of the other multi-trillion dollar industries that pollute the earth, enslave and impoverish humanity out of business overnight. The few mega rich psychopaths who run these industries will never allow that to happen and will use whatever means that the shadow government will provide to stop it.
Open your eyes and quit being such a tool. Look below the surface just a little bit. It’s not about aliens.
Always start by agreeing where you can: there is certainly an extra-Constitutional cabal running the show. Nobody, and I mean nobody, thinks Joe Biden is in charge. Even Joe Biden. Frankly, I don’t think anybody is in charge. As in one individual or one group acting in concerted fashion across the wide reaches of government. Much more likely to be various fiefdoms ruling over their territories, without explicit central direction.
Though with roughly shared goals. Like funneling as much of the public purse to themselves and their friends as possible. Harassing us with endless new rules created by Experts, half devoted the Cult of Safety First!, half devoted to “saving” the plant. Love of sexual degeneracy, possible demon worship. Who knows what else.
To this end, they roil the public with factionalism, but with each fief jealous of the others. Each wants as much control as possible. Yet all publicly swear they operate under the old rule-of-law framework. There is still some respect for the courts, for instance. There is no open revolt. Except when it comes to fortifying some elections.
But enough of that. Our topic is UFOs.
There are no UFOs. The kind with alien drivers, I mean, and you agree. And there aren’t that many, or even any, new wonderful aircraft designed by our government or their contractors. They haven’t built anything decent for a long time. Alk terrific terrible toys they touted turned tits up when put into actual service.
I recall (I’ve told this story before) sitting in a Seattle bar, many years ago, where Earl was telling the same old story that the car companies were sitting on an engine run entirely on water, but they didn’t want to release it lest—-the car companies make too much money? Who knows. It’s never clear.
No, sir. I’m afraid incompetence is the best explanation for our recent spate of UFO sightings.
We already saw Mick West demonstrating how poorly trained soldiers don’t know which end of the camera to look through. He duplicates every famous incident by using technology badly. It is not hard to do.
Who remembers the mini-panic when the Air Force (my alma mater, I blush to say) claimed they shot down a UFO? Which turned out to be the obvious.
This West fellow has video after video, breaking down how inept use of too-cool-for-school tools are misused by untutored soldiers whose minds are addled by too many Respect for Diversity & Sodomy sessions. He breaks down the latest “whistleblower” nonsense, too. No, not the guy who said he had dirt on Biden but who, rumor says, turned up dead in a hotel room (or was it some FBI back room?). I mean the guy who said there is a UFO cover-up and that the government and Vatican knows all about it, and that they’re conspiring to probe-with-extreme-prejudice those who tattle. Except himself. Somehow he has survived the slaughter.
Here’s what funny. Mick West is not hard to find. Took me a whole of one minute (maybe less) to discover him when when the first UFO reports were coming out.
Journalists, if they had any intelligence, or were capable of independent thought, could find him, too. Lord help us, even rulers and bureaucrats could find him if they wanted. Yet they do not. They have no interest, it seems.
I haven’t seen in any major discussion (but I don’t follow it rabidly) in the current UFO panic any mention of West’s work, or any discussion that false sightings are really more proof of the stupidity of the people in charge.
There is no interest in these stories other than as confirmations of one’s desires.
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It's neither aliens, nor spooks, nor even incompetent spooks. It's Atlanteans who survived the Ice Age Collapse by burrowing into hyperdimensions, now returning to bless us with spiritual enlightenment as the gates to the higher realms are reopened by the Galactic Alignment.
Obviously, Briggs, you tool.
It seems blatantly obvious to me that the UFO whistleblowers are all CIA plants. If not they would have all been treated like Edward Snowden or Julien Assange.
The CIA military industrial complex absolutely loves war, and the War on Aliens will be perfect for terrorising everyone and increasing their power and money. Holographic technology is likely to be deployed to convince everyone they need all of our money.
More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/forever-wars-are-highly-profitable