Biden: Globohomo On The March!
You will have heard Gropin' Joe appointed the man Levine as Assistant Health Secretary.
The man Levine, father of two, was formerly in the same job in Pennsylvania. He infamously, à la The Godmother, crammed coronadoom patients into nursing homes---after first removing his own mother. Of course.
Failure is no obstacle to promotion, though, not in the Land of Progress(ives). As I often say, you can never get fired for being wrong in the right direction.
None of this would therefore be in the least notable, except that the man Levine believes he's a woman. And because nothing says health like a man in a dress popping pills.
Incidentally, the NYT put a twist on this story, saying the man Levine would be the "first openly transgender federal official".
Is this going to turn into some kind of Joan Rivers revelation thing?
Anyway, it is an open question how much Biden now realizes what he is doing, his dementia rapidly on the increase, and how much is done in his name. It is clear here that the man Levine has no qualifications for the job of lording over us except for his lunacy.
The message, sent by Biden or one of his crew, is: you will submit.
It could well be Biden sending that message, for he also said recently that the choice of prison cell, boys or girls, would be up to the convict. If the male convict says he is a girl, off with the ladies he goes.
Biden's words led many to make the obvious quip, but if it came right down to it, I'd bet most comedians would stick with Reality. But, as the prisons might soon swell with deplorables and "white supremacists", it could become easier to follow through on the joke.
There is still notable friction over transgenderism, but most will soon say, or will be made to say, a man is a woman, and vice versa. I use as guidance the battle over gmarriage (government-defined marriage).
The Big Con and other professional conservatives were initially against it, even publicly, even loudly. At first. But they grew too fearful of being called "homophobes", and of losing money, and so they caved. Didn't take long, either. Now we have many conservatives sending warm congratulations to men saying they will pretend-marry other men.
(Which is why you mustn't be a conservative: be based.)
"Briggs, you ass, you're always exaggerating. It's not like somebody's writing The Conservative Case For Transgenderism or anything."
No? Then how do we class NRO's right-after-the-appointment article "Biden Taps Dr. Rachel Levine, a Transgender Woman, as Assistant Health Secretary"?
The authoress of that article repeatedly calls the man Levine "she" and "her", and says nothing about his lunacy. Except for mentioning the nursing home scandal, the authoress only praises faintly the man Levine.
World War T, to use Sailer's phrase, is over. Except among we few based dissidents. And the occasional rare piece of good news: doctors won't be forced to quack. For now.
Biden is mandating delusional males may compete in sports as females. It's the only way these sad men can ever win anything.
Biden is already reversing the ban on the insane in the military. The sex-confused will now be allowed access to weapons of mass destruction. Prediction: given our penchant for quotas, there will be within a year at least one high-ranking insane person.
Our upcoming Secretary of State is Anthony Blinken---who, though the evidence is weak, I think identifies as a man. ABC says, "In confirmation hearing, secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken says he will appoint LBGTI envoy, pledges U.S. embassies will be able to fly Pride flag."
Be of interest to see who his general, or "envoy", will be. Ru Paul? James Martin?
At any rate, War or Battle Flags are not unusual. You might recall---though hurry before the images are entirely purged---the Confederacy had a famous example. So did Japan, an ensign now also banned. In any case, these were flown to tell the enemy It's On. Same thing here.
We all know the Pervert Pennant, which looks like this:
Like him or hate him, we have to admit Martin nailed the "How appropriate that she is weeping" part.
So the US Globohomo complex will take the battle to foreign soil. They've already conquered Europe and most (all?) of the Americas. Significant territory has been seized in Japan. The only real holdouts have been a strong Muslim lands, parts of Africa, and China.
I'm skeptical they'll fly the PP outside the Chinese embassy. Inside the walls, any number of things can and likely will occur. But outside, flagrantly flouting China's culture? I don't believe our leaders are yet insane or greedy enough to use as casus belli China's refusal to stage parades celebrating the "right" to sodomy.
I've been wrong before, though.
Regardless, it is fitting to end with this:
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